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The Writing.Com members below are accepting review requests and ready to review your item! Peruse the list, check out members' review styles and request a review from anyone who seems like a good fit for your item.
Preferred Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
Overall impression, likes, suggestions, positive closing. I am honored to do reviews upon request, usually on the first day 2023 Quill Winner
Preferred Author
Marvelous Friend
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
Honest and simple
kingalex1234's Portfolio!
Registered Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I tend to be constructive, though I've been known to be a bit too nice...at least, in my opinion. note that while I'll review anything requested, they can be a bit sloppy if I don't take interest.
leslieloo1's Portfolio!
Registered Author
Leslie Loo
(minimum 1,500 GPs)
I don't know what my style is, but I point out what sticks out at me.
Preferred Author
Words Whirling 'Round
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
Every word we put to paper comes from someone else. We learn from parents, teachers, books, movies, idle conversations - our entire life becomes our source material. The only thing that's original and unique is our choice of how we put the words together. To be 100% honest, we'd have to credit the Dictionary, Thesaurus, and Google for every poem and story. I may suggest changes in my review. This is not meant as 'serious' literary criticism (I’m no expert). It's merely my record of the ‘bumps’ I encounter as I travel through your words. If I'm thrown by a typo, an awkward word, or a line that doesn't scan, then it's likely that others will be as well. My intent in giving a review is to applaud your work and maybe help you to improve it. A review is merely another reference to consider. If the suggestions prove useful, then use them. If I ‘just don’t get it’, then by all means ignore me! Only the author can take credit for the final words, no matter what the source.
knightly's Portfolio!
Registered Author
Blank Page
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
While I consider myself apt enough to provide decent, kind feedback, I'm not the sort of person to laud a man's writings. Instead, I seek to find smaller, more intricate points of interest within their writings so that I might offer suggestions and feedback so that they might better aid the flow of their work.
Preferred Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
Unsentimental. I focus on the kinds of craft issues that will keep a writer from being taken seriously and prevent them from fully expressing their vision. For more information, see "Writing Hurts: Review Forum
Preferred Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I like to give friendly advice that I hope will help, not harm.
vocab's Portfolio!
Registered Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I tend to try and be fairly succinct, I have a deep love for verbose and interesting language, taking large preference to poetry. If you want some critique or suggestion on such, I'd be happy to help!
sparkyvacdr's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
(minimum 50,000 GPs)
I like to encourage writers, while giving accurate, insightful, truthful feedback. Reviews for novel length items will be an overview and general comment. I don't review line by line or focus on grammar, spelling or punctuation -except perhaps if I see something affecting the storyline, or if I have suggestions relating to improving relevant areas of the work.
Preferred Author
♫~ Kenword~♫
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I try my best to read everything on Writing.com with great care. My reviews always include a first impression, my feelings about theme and structure and where appropriate, some thoughts about possible revisions.*Mugr*
stevengepp's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
(minimum 2,000 GPs)
Minimalist. Focus on technical. I also look at how a work would fit into the traditional publishing landscape. I don't use a template. Warning: I am Australian, and so cultural differences may apply.
rennur's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I don't like using a template. I don't like correcting spelling. I don't like correcting grammar. I don't want to be your editor. I enjoy discussing what I have read. I am very happy to tell people what I have liked and what I have disliked. There is not a lot that I dislike.
Preferred Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
Honest and encouraging
Preferred Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I have a review template that is only used for in depth reviews, usually those that are specifically requested. These will be as comprehensive as I can manage, including everything I have noticed in reading the piece. Most of my reviews, however, are more in the nature of reactions to the piece with brief notes on things I find particularly good and suggestions on dealing with any obvious flaws in the writing.
Preferred Author
bob county
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I look at the fun factor.
Registered Author
(minimum 2,000 GPs)
I tend to be nice. I never review on subject or anything but more about how things are written and how easy it is to read. If you do that I'll always give a 5 star review. :)
tvelocity's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
Graham Solo
(minimum 2,500 GPs)
Brutally honest, but fair. I will give my impressions of the main points: Plot, character, setting, dialog. Then I will get into grammar, spelling, and typos. I will tell you what works, and what doesn't. As far as the star ratings go, I don't rely on them too much, but use them as a measure of an item's relative merit. Take it for what it's worth. Bottom line, my goal is to help the author improve their work.
Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
In depth, detailed, and supportive.
sisterofmercy's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
very thankful
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I used a template for all of my reviews. I will comment on plot, characters, scene/setting, grammar, and anything else that comes to mind.
Printed from https://vzabel.writing.com/main/authors.php/action/reviewers